Sunday, July 29, 2007

Singapore by the Numbers

Today marks the six-month anniversary of our arrival in Singapore, so we thought we’d compile our Singapore experience by the numbers. Here’s our list:

Number of...

...months in Singapore: 6
...other countries visited during those months: 7 cards used up calling US family and friends: 5
...visits from US family and friends: 1 (in progress!)

...times we’ve smelled durian: 20+
...times we’ve actually tried it: 1

...expat gatherings attended: 10
...local gatherings attended: 11

...Singapore malls visited: 11
...Singapore sights visited: 4

...S$75 buffet brunches we've eaten: 2
...S$3 noodle bowls Joey has eaten for lunch: 60+

...kilometers driven on the left side of the road: 4,900
...parking tickets received: 1 (forgot parking coupon...duh)

Number of weeks we haven’t been in perfect health: 1
Odds that week would coincide with family visit: 1 in 26

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get well soon - and enjoy more of those sights!